Cartes, surprising installation
From January, the installation realised for Cartes, a Maxwell Seri with IR filter Performance from 6000 beat/h, has not only confirmed the quality and reliability of UV Ray systems, but, it has registered great improvements and potentiality.
Following, a list of the best results:
- pencil effect, as expected, is absolutely absent and the polymerisation is exceptionally uniform thanks to the new internal diffuser.
- it will be possible, in a totally simple and pratical way, the printing of any plastic material on seri plane and intermittent printing machines. This is always thanks to the new internal diffuser and to the new water cooled base.
- it was registered a drastic drecrease of temperatures, confirming the excellent performance of the new water cooled base and the new diffuser.
- the installation is highly versatile and adaptable thanks to the printing possibility, with small and big steps. It will be possible to use oversize steps of the reflector (for example with a reflector 280 mm it will be possible to obtain a step of 350 mm). In this case too, it was determinant the adoption of the new water cooled base and the new diffuser.
- the application is available as retrofit on every UV systems previously realized.